Pennsylvania is home to a thriving population of black bears, but have you ever wondered how big these furry creatures can actually get? From their impressive size to their elusive behavior, they have captured our imagination for centuries.
So, without further ado, let’s dive deep into the world of black bears and uncover just how big they can get in PA.
How Big Are PA’s Black Bears?
When it comes to wildlife, nothing quite captures the imagination like the majestic black bear. These beautiful creatures can be found roaming throughout the state, their presence inspiring awe and admiration in all who witness them.
Whether you’re a seasoned hunter looking to test your skills or an avid wildlife enthusiast hoping to catch a glimpse of these elusive creatures in their natural habitat, these animals are truly special.
In the wilds of the state, black bears are a common sight. These remarkable creatures, known for their dark fur and impressive strength, can range in size from small to downright enormous.
Wildlife experts say the average weight for adult males in the state is between 200 and 400 pounds, while the largest specimens can weigh over 800 pounds!
Females are generally smaller, tipping the scales between 150 and 250 pounds. However, it’s worth noting that these are just averages, and they can deviate significantly from this range. For example, in 2003, in Pike County, an 864-pound male was harvested.
So while encountering a giant bear is not an everyday occurrence, it’s important to remember to stay alert and cautious when exploring the natural beauty of the Keystone State.

The size can vary greatly depending on certain factors. Age, genetics, and access to food all contribute to their size, so it’s not entirely impossible to encounter one that’s bigger than the norm.
The factors affecting the size are diverse and significant. As mentioned above, one essential aspect is genetics. Those with larger parents tend to be larger themselves. In addition, the habitat also influences their size. Those living in areas with plentiful food resources like berries, nuts, and small animals tend to grow larger faster than ones living in less resource-rich environments.
Another crucial factor is their age. Bears that are older and have gone through hibernation cycles tend to be larger than younger ones. This trend is due to their ability to access and store more food during hibernation.
Older ones have had more opportunities to take advantage of this ability, growing larger than younger bears. Moreover, gender is another determining factor. Adult males tend to be larger than adult females as they have more muscle mass and require more food.
Overall, black bears in Pennsylvania can range in size from around 150 to 800 pounds, depending on various factors.
Keystone Answers Fun Fact: The average range for adult male bears is an astounding 20 square miles.
What Do Black Bears Eat?
These fascinating creatures captivate the hearts and minds of many nature enthusiasts. However, we now know that they can tip the scales at over 800 pounds. So what do they eat that can make them weigh that much?

These omnivores have a varied diet, including plant and animal matter. While most of their diet consists of vegetation, they also prey on small mammals, eat out of pet food dishes, raid bird feeders and apiaries, destroying beehives for honey. In addition, they plague farmers by creating a circular pattern of destruction while in their fields eating sweet corn.
They also have been known to tear apart tents and campers, rip through screen doors and windows, and get into cars while searching for food.
These creatures mainly consume vegetation in the spring and summer, such as grasses, sedges, ferns, and berries. However, they may also munch on insects, their larvae, and the occasional amphibian.
Come fall, their diet shifts towards calorie-rich foods that will help them gain weight in preparation for the winter hibernation period. At this time, they turn to crops like acorns, beechnuts, and other nuts. They may also scavenge on carrion or dead animals if they come across them.

While these animals are opportunistic eaters and will consume a wide variety of food, it’s important to note that human food should not be included in their diet. Feeding them can habituate them to humans, which can result in potentially dangerous interactions. Instead, it’s important to dispose of our waste properly and take steps to make our homes and backyards less attractive to these inquisitive creatures.
According to the Pennsylvania Game Commission, an adult black bear needs to consume between 5,000 and 8,000 calories per day to maintain its weight, depending on the time of year. That’s the equivalent of eating around 10 and 15 Big Macs every day!
During the spring and summer months, when food is abundant, they will spend up to 20 hours a day foraging for food. Then, in the fall, they begin to prepare for hibernation, and their food intake increases even more. During this time, they can consume up to 20,000 calories daily as they fatten themselves up for the winter.
Overall, black bears have a diverse diet that allows them to adapt to environmental changes and thrive in the wild. Whether chomping on berries or feasting on carrion, these fascinating creatures never cease to amaze.
Ending Big
In conclusion, black bears in Pennsylvania have the potential to grow quite large, with males typically weighing more than females. These fascinating creatures are vital to Pennsylvania’s natural ecosystem, and their conservation is paramount.
Whether you’re an avid outdoorsman or simply appreciate the beauty of nature, taking the time to learn about these amazing animals is sure to be an enriching experience. So go out there and explore Pennsylvania’s wilderness – who knows, you may just come across one of these magnificent creatures in the wild!